miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

Oscar Pistorius

Oscar Pistorius was bron in South Africa (November, 1986). When he was eleven months old, he lost his legs because he didn, t have peroné. Instead of legs, he got protesis. Fortunately, he could learn to walk, run and compete and he has several records in 100, 200 and 400 metres for disabled athletes. Some people thought that Pistorius had advantage among the rest of runners because of his protesis.
Pistorius was blamed on account of the murder of his wife. It was a long trial, but finally last December he was blamed for murder and returned to prison, where he will remain for 15 years.

Your Adress

Dear Sir Or Madam.
I am witting to enquire about th elottery founds for a community project in our town.
Woodford is a small town in the south of Andalucia. There are a lot of interesting places in a around the town, but there are not any places for young people in the town centre. For that reason, we would like to build a youth centre here. This centre could provide activities and information for the young people of santos. I would be a grateful if you could send me information about lottery grants. If you have any questions about own project, please do not her state to contact me.
Yours faithfully.

Juan V.

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

My Favourite

                        MY FAVOURITE

What are your favourite fashion items? I´ve got four! I´ve got a trendy black jacket. It´s really cool, so i wea it all the time. I´ve also got some white jeans. Jeans are usually in. They´re sensible enough for school and fashionable enough for a restaurant. I´ve also got some new nike shoes. They make me look tall and i like wearing them then with jeans. I usuallly weather i when i go out with my friends. The fourth item isn´t fashionable our trendy. It´s my pair of comfortable, big black and white pyjamas. I wear them every night. Sometimes when i stay home, I wear then all day. In my pyjams, i feel nice and warm.

sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014

English Cemetery

English cemetery
English cemetery is located on Avenida de Pries, in Málaga capital.
Is located near the sea.
In it, we see various monuments and tombs of different styles.
There is a church called St. George, which is the first Protestant church built in Spain.
Are buried in this cemetery some famous people such as Gerald Brenan and Jorge Guillén.
This cemetery was declared a world heritage site in 2012.

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

Pizza Robin

Robin Pizzeria is on my street. Robin Pizzeria offers you all kinds  of food, but its is specialites are: burguers, pizzas, camperos,etc. It has the food that most kids like. I really love their kebab, camperos.Their food is delicious and tasty. The restaurant is very nice.So the next time you want a good meal, go to Pizza Robin.It´s open every day from 1:30 pm to 23:00 am.

RATING *****

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

Père Lachaise

Le cimetière du Père-Lachaise est le plus grand cimetière de Paris intra muros et l´un des plus célébres dans la mode.Situé dans le 20 arrondissent de la ville,de nombreuses personnes célèbres y sont enterrées. Il accueille chaque année plus de trois millions et demi de visiteurs, ce qui en fait le cimetière le plus visité au monde.
Entrée principale

Région: Ile de France
Ville: Paris
Religion(s): Catholique, protestant, juif, musulman, etc 
Superficie:49´93 hectares
Nombre de tombres: 69.000 concessions perpétueles 
Nombre de personnes: 1.000.000
Mise en service: 1804
Protection: site classé, monument, historique.

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014


Le matin je me néville à dix heures.

Que´est-ce que tu manges le matin?

Je mange souvent deux toasts avec de l´huile et un chocolat choud.

Quand vous avez fini le déjeuner?

Je finis à huit heures.

Qu´est-ce que tu manges le weekend?

Le weekend je mange un sandwich au bacon, du jus d´orange et churros.

Quel-es repas préférée?

Porfois, j´aime les fruits, comme la pomme, jamais, je ne mange, de bananes.